Inform you customer about the delivery date regarding their orders. Specify different delays. This module is in charge to compute a real date by using perpetual calendars to skip closed/non-working days Each product can be configured with its own delays (manufacturing, replenishing and origin). Each carrier hold its own delay and calendar.
Google Analytics tracking thru Measurement Protocol A more precise tracking that does not depends on end-user browser. Confort for visitors. Protection against Analytics poisonning. No conversions lost. Better tracking.
Accept SWISH payment directly and automated during checkout. The customer enters his phone number, the module notifies SWISH, the customer proceed to the payment and the order is registered with the payment state. Installation assistance included.
Patched version to permit - 1 click upgrade - without failure even in the case native / partner modules get pruned off (deleted) from the installation. Without this patch, autoupgrade poorly fail at copying files into non existing folders.
Patch SSL Everywhere for Prestashop 1.4.11